Friday, December 16, 2011

Oh So Sparkly!!

I felt like having long nails this time.  So I got out my trusty box of Kiss nail tips.

I cheat and use them as full cover nails.  I just file them to fit.  And I get these:

My husband calls them "Dragon Claws".  They really are a bit much.  So I trim and file them down to these:

And then I decided to use my new China Glaze polish Loreleis Tiara.  I'm never sure how a glitter polish will be...  Thin and needing lots of coats, or thick and clumpy.  This was perfect!

I used one coat.  It's like a million tiny sapphires and diamonds winking back at me.  I love it!!  I may add something to it later, but for now, I'm happy to just sit and stare at the sparkles.  (no top coat at this time) 

I only need a diamond and sapphire tiara of my own to wear with it!  "Dear Santa..."


  1. The polish looks really great. I'm so happy that it's on its way in the post to me. :D

  2. Girl at the store today asked if I do my own nails. I said yes. She said, "You go girl. You got skillz!" Aw, shucks.

  3. Haha, that's cool, I like that! :)
    I had a taxi driver noticing my nails, wanting to let me know that he liked they were green instead of traditional red. :D
